A few days ago we had a record breaking snowstorm. Lucky for me I didn't have to drive in it or hardly even have to walk in it. I had the luxury of staying inside by a warm fire and watching the beautiful peaceful snowflakes fall all day long. True confession, I love it when the first snow of winter falls and I'm sad when it stops in the spring. Please don't hate me for that!
Whenever I see the yard and trees covered in white, it reminds me of when my youngest was about 5 or 6 years old. She was looking out over all the snow and commented, "It makes the whole world look pure!" How true! And seriously, don't you love it when the sun breaks through and it looks like everything is covered in clear glitter?
I know it can be a pain to drive in, walk in, shovel, and clean up, but soon enough it will be gone and it will leave behind life giving water that will make the grass green, the flowers grow, and the lakes and streams full. The sun will shine and all will be well again.
What do you like about the snow?
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