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A Virus, an Earthquake, and Me

This might be a lengthy post so if you need the short version you can jump to the quotes for the highlights. 

I went back and forth on whether I should even bother to say anything about all the events but have been happening recently because part of me just doesn't want to hear any more about it ... but the other part of me thought that in a year or two from now I may want to go back and remember what was going on at the time of this post.

Ironically what has scared me much more than the coronavirus has been the frantic reaction of a lot of people. There is so much to be frustrated about, irritated over, and downright angry at.  HOWEVER... it is also been encouraging to see so many good things and that is what I would like to focus on. I have seen some really creative ideas being shared on how to work with our kids at home and how to keep ourselves sane during a time of isolation.  Many have offered free online sources to help us still attempt to enjoy life.  Although there has been some selfishness and hoarding going on I have also seen a lot of people showing more concern for the welfare of those around them.  I see posts shared about how we can serve others even in isolation.  And, I've seen a lot of people trying to find a little humor in the whole situation and help us to laugh at ourselves.  And humor, for me, really is good medicine.  

And then, of course, after being frazzled and overwhelmed as we process all that came with the virus... like quickly jumping into home school completely unprepared... Mother Nature through an earthquake in the mix. Why not!? 😂

I can feel the tension and fear and stress in my neck, shoulders, and back.  It's been a wild ride the last few weeks.  I'm feeling it and my kids are feeling it.  That is when I have to step back and look at the big picture.  This is pretty mild in the whole scheme of things.  It could be SO much worse.  And I have to remember that God is in charge.  He's well aware of what is going on and He is MUCH BIGGER than all of it.  Like all trials in life, He is waiting to see what we do when things are hard.  AND he's ready and willing to help us out if we're ready to ask.  So for now I will just count my blessings!

🙏  My kids were with me at home when the earthquake hit.  We were together and I could comfort them and we could talk about it.  

🙏  I get to see the blessings of technology as my kids stay right on track with school.  

🙏  The earthquake could have been much bigger but it wasn't.

🙏  We have amazing schools with amazing teachers who have worked tirelessly to convert their lessons into work we can do from home.  (As if they didn't already put so many overtime hours into their work already.)  

🙏  I can still stay in touch with family and friends through so many forms of technology.  

🙏  Life has slowed down.  My calendar is pretty much empty.  I get to focus almost completely on my family and the really important things.  

My list of blessings goes on and on.  There are little blessings each day like being able to go on walks with the kids and enjoy the sunshine.  We sat around the fire in the backyard a couple of nights ago.  We've made bread and played board games. (Ok, yes there has also been plenty of fighting, whining, and complaining too... we're very human.) There are still so many things we CAN do right now.  So, I am trying really hard to remember the positive.  

There are my ramblings for today.  So now I can look back after all this is over and say, yep, we survived.  And we'll keep surviving.  Even with limited toilet paper. 


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